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ADR 4: Modular Validation⚓︎




With the upcoming of notaryv2 and similar projects like Cosign the opportunity for Connaisseur arises to support multiple signing mechanisms, and combine all into a single validation tool. For that to work, the internal validation mechanism of connaisseur needs to be more modular, so we can easily swap in and out different methods.

Considered options⚓︎

Configuration changes (Choice 1)⚓︎

Obviously some changes have to be made to the configuration of Connaisseur, but this splits into changes for the previous notary configurations and the image policy.

"Notary" configuration (1.1)⚓︎

With notaryv1 all trust data always resided in a notary server for which Connaisseur needed the URL, authentication credentials, etc. This isn't true anymore for notaryv2 or Cosign. Here Connaisseur may need other data, meaning the configuration is dependent on the type of validation method used here. Also other mechanisms such as digest whitelisting which doesn't even include cryptographic material might be considered in the future.

1.1.1 Structure⚓︎

The previous notaries section in the values.yaml changes to validators, in which different validation methods (validators) can be defined. The least required fields a validator needs are a name for later referencing and a type for knowing its correct kind.

- name: "dockerhub-nv2"
  type: "notaryv2"
- name: "harbor-nv1"
  type: "notaryv1"
  host: ""
    - name: "default"
      key: "..."
- name: "cosign"
  type: "cosign"

Depending on the type, additional fields might be required, e.g. the notaryv1 type requires a host and root_keys field.

NB: JSON schema validation works for the above and can easily handle various configurations based on type in there.


We are going with this structure (option due to the lack of other alternatives. It provides all needed information and the flexibility to use multiple validation methods, as needed.

1.1.2 Sensitive values⚓︎

If we allow multiple validators that may contain different forms of sensitive values, i.e. notary credentials, symmetric keys, service principals, ..., they need to be properly handled within the Helm chart with respect to ConfigMaps and Secrets. Currently, the distinction is hard-coded.


Add an optional sensitive([-_]fields) field at the validator config top level. Any sensitive values go in there and will be handled by the Helm chart to go into a secret. Any other values are treated as public and go into the ConfigMap.

Advantages: - Generic configuration - Could be used by potential plugin validators to have their data properly handled (potential future) - Hard to forget the configuration for newly implemented validators

Disadvantage: If implemented in a config = merge(secret, configmap) way, might allow sensitive values in configmap and Connaisseur still working


Hard-code sensitive values based on validator type

Advantages: Can do very strict validation on fields without extra work

Disadvantages: - Helm chart change might be forgotten for new validator - Helm chart release required for new validator - Does not "natively" allow plugins


We are going with option and hard code the sensitive fields, to prevent users from misconfigure and accidentally but sensitive parts into configmaps.

Image policy (1.2)⚓︎

For the image policy similar changes to the notary configuration have to be made.


The previous notary field in the image policy will be changed to validator, referencing a name field of one item in the validators list. Any additional fields, e.g. required delegation roles for a notaryv1 validator will be given in a with field. This will look similar to this:

- pattern: "*:*"
  validator: "harbor-nv1"
    key: "default"
    - lou
    - max
- pattern: "*:*"
  validator: "dockerhub-nv2"

Besides the self configured validator, two additional validators will be available: allow and deny. The allow validator will allow any image and the deny validator will deny anything.

Advantages: More powerful than verify flag, i.e. has explicit deny option.

Disadvantages: More config changes for users


Stick with current verify flag.

Advantages: Config known for current users

Disadvantages: No explicit deny option


We are going with option, as we don't have to use additional fields and offer more powerful configuration options.


When no validator given, default to deny validator.

Advantages: Easy

Disadvantages: Not explicit


Require validator in policy config.

Advantages: Explicit configuration, no accidental denying images

Disadvantages: ?


We are going with option as it reduces configurational effort and is consistent with the key selection behavior.


The validators from option (allow and deny) will be purely internal, and additional validator can not be named "allow" or "deny".

Advantages: Less configurational effort

Disadvantage: A bit obscure for users


The allow and deny validator will be added to the default configuration as type: static with an extra argument (name up for discussion) that specifies whether everything should be denied or allowed. E.g.:

- name: allow
  type: static
  approve: true
- name: deny
  type: static
  approve: false
- ...

Advantages: No obscurity, if user don't need these they can delete them.

Disadvantage: Bigger config file ...?


We are going with option as we favor less obscurity over the "bigger" configurational "effort".

Validator interface (Choice 2)⚓︎

See validator interface

Should validation return JSON patch or digest?

Option 2.1.1⚓︎

Validator.validate creates a JSON patch for the k8s request. Hence, different validators might make changes in addition to transforming tag to digest.

Advantages: More flexibility in the future

Disadvantages: We open the door to changes that are not core to Connaisseur functionality

Option 2.1.2⚓︎

Validator.validate returns a digest and Connaisseur uses the digest in a "standardized" way to create a JSON patch for the k8s request.

Advantage: No code duplication and we stay with core feature of translating input data to trusted digest

Disadvantages: Allowing additional changes would require additional work if we wanted to allow them in the future


We are going with option 2.1.2 as all current and upcoming validation methods return a digest.

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