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Detection Mode⚓︎

A detection mode is available in order to avoid interruptions of a running cluster, to support initial rollout or for testing purposes. In detection mode, Connaisseur admits all images to the cluster, but issues a warning and logs an error message for images that do not comply with the policy or in case of other unexpected failures:

kubectl run unsigned
> Warning: Unable to find signed digest for image (not denied due to DETECTION_MODE)
> pod/unsigned created

To activate the detection mode, set the detectionMode flag to true in helm/values.yaml.

Configuration options⚓︎

detectionMode in helm/values.yaml supports the following keys:

Key Default Required Description
detectionMode false true or false; when detection mode is enabled, Connaisseur will warn but not deny requests with untrusted images.


In helm/values.yaml:

detectionMode: true
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